High production capacity and fast shipping

To guarantee a quality product/service and speedy delivery, we have ample capacity for storing inputs,
optimized stock of finished
products and agile and efficient

Qualified support and research laboratory

We have a qualified sales team, specialized technical assistance and a laboratory that is constantly working on research and development, in order to meet our customers’ personalized demands with excellence.

Modern equipment and numerous production lines

We invest in modern machinery and equipment to offer technology and quality in the manufacture of compounds. We have numerous production lines to serve the most varied segments according to the specificities and standards required in each sector.

Integrated processes

We use one of the best integrated ERP systems on the market, guaranteeing security, integration between areas, standardization of processes and intelligent solutions.

SO 9001 certification 
Proven quality

Since 1995, Dacarto has been ISO 9001 certified, which proves excellence in Quality Management, confers credibility, improves processes and increases customer satisfaction.

Download certificate

Distribution in the South

We are present in southern Brazil in partnership with our distributor Prisma, a specialist in thermoplastic compounds for the footwear industry.
